© 2024 Citizen Artist

Dr. Woolery conducting plant biodiversity research in the Sonoran Desert in SE Arizona using the ABPE Shadow Drawing protocol.  Teaching a young person  'shadow drawing' an ABPE research methodology used to study biodiversity.  ​​All artwork and photos - copyright L.A. Woolery.

I am honored to be invited to join the editorial board for the The Ecological Society of America's (ESA) new international journal, Earth Stewardship  as Associate Editor. 

The Earth Stewardship Journal serves as a forum for the cultural exchange of diverse knowledge systems and collective understanding on how we can protect our planet. 

The Earth Stewardship Journal provides a conceptual/operational framework for linking diverse knowledge systems (research) and action at multiple scales.  It implies a paradigm shift that links facts and values, multiple forms of ecological knowledge and practices, and broadens the mission of the ecological sciences.  Dr. Woolery

2024 Happenings

Deep Immersion intArt-Based Perceptual Ecology Research Methods 

6-Session Experiential and Online Course.  Sponsored by: Citizen Artist
Classes offered - October 2024, February, June 2025.

Learn non-conventional and integrative field-based scientific research methodologies applicable to participatory research projects; learn how to bring diversity and inclusion to participatory science research using a multimodal knowledge systems approach. Includes synchronous, asynchronous and experiential learning platforms.  For more information.

ABPE an integrative approach to address critical eco-socio issues.

April 24, South Africa - virtual presentation for ​PsySSA 

PsySSA is the Climate and Environment Psychology Division of Southern Africa hub for psychological research, action, practice, and public engagement addressing  the affective relationships between humans and the environment.

ABPE - an integrative approach to scientific practice and thinking.

June 24, Biosphere 2, Tucson, AZ  For Arizona Science Teachers Association (ASTA). In-person workshop.

Art-based perceptual ecology, an integrative approach to scientific practice and thinking.

Ecological Society of America Conference - ESA 2024 
Aug. 4-9, Long Beach, CA. 
In-person oral presentation.


Past Happenings - 2023

Art-Based Perceptual Ecology, a transdisciplinary approach to conservation efforts.

International Consortium on Conservation Biology - ICCB 2023

July 24, Kigali, Rwanda  In-person oral presentation.

Art-Based Perceptual Ecology: An alternative research methodology for acoustic ecology research.

Ecological Society of America Conference - ESA 2023 

Aug. 9, Portland, OR  In-person experiential workshop.

In this 90-minute workshop, explore what happens when the researcher sets aside conventional research methods and technology and captures sound using only human sensory skills and alternative research methods to create and collect data. 

Art-Based Perceptual Ecology expands a scientific practice and leads to transformative outcomes.

Ecological Society of America (ESA) Conference 2023 
Aug. 7. Portland, OR  
In-person oral presentation. 

Art-Based Perceptual Ecology for conservation and sustainability. 

University of California-Berkeley 

March 22. Gump Field Station, Moorea Island, French Polynesia
2-session virtual presentation exploring the application of ABPE for island biocultural conservation and sustainability issues.

The Human-Nature Relationship - ABPE in Urban Landscapes. 

Biomimicry Europa, Paris, France

Jan. 22 and 28th 

​2-session virtual workshop with Dr. Woolery, virtual, and Citizen Artist™ Apprentice, Lauren Salm on the ground in Paris facilitating graduate students in political studies from Sciénce Po University to engage in urban ecology and art to study forest systems.

​​Past Happenings - 2022

NAAEE Conference - Tucson, AZ

Oct. 12. Citizen Artist™ -  at NAAEE Share Fair.  

Oct. 14.  Preparing Educators to conduct community-based science research using alternative research methodologies. In-person presentation. 
Oct. 13.  . ​Art-Based Perceptual Ecology: Alternative inquiry protocols suitable for widespread adaptation.  Live-virtual presentation. ​

SciComm 2022 Conference - University of Nebraska

Aug. 18. Citizen Artist™ - Offering transdisciplinary practices, tools and communication platforms for the advancement of science.  Featured Speaker.

Aug. 17. Citizen Artist™ on Virtual Panel Discussion.

Dr. Woolery is proud to work with GALS- Girls on outdoor Adventure for Leadership and Science, a free science program for high school girls in Arizona that integrates outdoor education with place-based science learning. GALS brings young women into the backcountry to increase science proficiency by engaging participants as scientists. Dr. Woolery engages with this group of young women, GALS participants, in field-based research using Art-Based Perceptual Ecology research methodologies to study environmental change. 

About -- Dr. Lee Ann Woolery

With a focus on divergent ways of knowing, Dr. Lee Ann Woolery pioneered Art-Based Perceptual Ecology, (ABPE) a transdisciplinary approach to conducting field-based ecological research.  Dr. Woolery holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Studies from Antioch University New England. Her field study in Desert Ecology was conducted in the Sonoran Desert in both Arizona and Mexico. Dr. Woolery’s dissertation: Art-based perceptual ecology as a way of knowing the language of place, can be purchased by contacting her HERE

Research in the Sonoran Desert
Dr. Woolery has conducted many plant biodiversity inventories in the Sonoran Desert that include walking and visually documenting the terrestrial plants through Art-Based Perceptual Ecology research methods such as the shadow drawing protocol, which communicates a visual narrative of the land’s story
through patterns.
  More of her research can be seen HERE

"My work is grounded in a desire to find ways that people can come to know the changes in our environment that do not solely rely on the Western scientific paradigm but collaborate in tandem with conventional science. Art and science can complement one another in the service of biospheric change and environmental sustainability through a pluralistic discourse, which may generate new questions and make available new solutions to environmental issues." (Woolery, 2002).