© 2024 Citizen Artist

Additional journal articles and conference papers by Dr. Woolery can be found on the Research Gate website:


The Ecological Society of America  
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Journal  21.3. April 2023

Editorial. Art-based perceptual ecology

By: Lee Ann Woolery, Ph.D., Founder and Research Director, Citizen Artist™

Much discussion and effort have been directed toward developing a more diverse membership at the Ecological Society of America (ESA) and other professional scientific societies. To better meet diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals, these societies must expand their views of diversity, yielding broader participation in the sciences.  Citizen Artist, a participatory science research platform employs art-based perceptual ecology (ABPE) research methodologies to study ecological systems change. At Citizen Artist, we honor multiple ways of knowing – exploring and investigating differently; engaging in unbounded curiosity, imagination, and creativity; and embracing holistic, integrative approaches to scientific practice and thinking. We offer alternative methodologies, tools, and field practices – non-conventional approaches that attract underrepresented populations to participate in science. Extending the parameters of how ecologists conduct field-based science may bolster participation and lead to unexpected and revolutionary solutions for our most pressing issues, such as the impacts of climate change, loss of habitat, and biodiversity decline. Duly note, Citizen Artist™ is an approved scientific content provider for ESA’s Professional Certified Ecologist Program.

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Appreciative Inquiry Practitioner 25.2. May 2023

​Art-Based Perceptual Ecology, A Path to Relational Dialogue Within a Multispecies Community. 

By: Lee Ann Woolery, Ph.D. and Julie Engerran, Ph.D. 

"The field is home to a multispecies community – animate, sentient beings actively participating in movements of energy, nutrients or species. Corporeally embedded in this landscape, I am not an observer but an active participant acknowledging and valuing multispecies intelligence, language systems and forms of communication as equal to humans." (Lee Ann) 

​This article is presented as a conversation between the creator of art-based perceptual ecology (ABPE – Lee Ann) and a practitioner of Appreciative Inquiry (AI – Julie) in which we explore the potential of ABPE research methodologies for enriching AI and imagine possibilities for generative dialogue that recognizes more-than-human intelligence, language systems and forms of communication, and the interconnectedness of a multispecies whole system."  To request this article go  HERE. Or go to Research Gate HERE. ​​

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Artizein - Arts & Teaching Journal  - Special Edition - Arts, Ecology & Education
Art-Based Perceptual Ecology: An alternative monitoring method in the assessment of rainfall and vegetation in a cienaga community.  By  Lee Ann Woolery, Ph.D.
As a researcher, educator, scholar, and artist with a focus on divergent ways of knowing, I engage in an art inquiry process as a way to connect with the natural world. This practice, Art-Based Perceptual Ecology (ABPE) is a way of extending my understanding and ecological knowing of the natural world. ABPE methodologies may offer humans one way to reconnect to a pre-discursive (mimetic) language, a sentient language our ancestors used to communicate with the animate world. In addition to art educators, this article may be of interest to ecologists and others studying
environmental global change. Developing a mixed-method longitudinal study, bringing together ABPE and conventional science methods to record historical changes in vegetation in a riparian community, could provide outstanding results and contribute to the further understanding of biospheric change at similar stream communities around the world.  Click HERE to find the article on the Artizein website.

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Talaterra Podcast. EP 71: November 20, 2020 ​
​Dr. Lee Ann Woolery - Field Biology with Citizen Artist™
Dr. Lee Ann Woolery pioneered Art-Based Perceptual Ecology (ABPE), a transdisciplinary approach to field biology. Dr. Woolery is a researcher, naturalist, educator, and artist. She is also the founder of EcoArt Expeditions and Citizen Artist™. In this episode, Dr. Woolery and I discuss her interdisciplinary approach to ecological field research and more on the Citizen Artist™ platform that will launch soon. Learn more about her research and her plans to teach the ABPE approach to others through Citizen Artist™.

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Breaking Green Ceilings. Podcast. EP 36: October 27, 2020 
Dr. Lee Ann Woolery - Understanding and Connecting to Nature Through Art
Dr. Lee Ann Woolery, an interdisciplinary educator, researcher, scholar, and practicing artist of over 30 years, pioneered Art-Based Perceptual Ecology (ABPE), an art-based field research method to study ecological change. Woolery holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Studies from Antioch University New England and a master’s degree from The School of The Art Institute of Chicago. Dr. Woolery is currently the Founder and Research Director for Citizen Artist™, where she leads field research employing ABPE research methods in concert with conventional scientific methods to study ecological systems change with a focus on sustaining and conserving natural systems.